Translating Kant

 castellano   valencià


Translating Kant
International workshop on the translations of the Critique of Pure Reason
April 24-25, 2024, Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences



The Critique of Pure Reason is one of the great works in the history of thought. It has just been translated into Valencian/Catalan, by Miquel Montserrat, in an edition that arrives in bookstores at the beginning of April. In Spanish there are three complete versions. In chronological order, these are the translations by Manuel García Morente, Pedro Ribas and Mario Caimi. In Italian, the most updated version is that of Costantino Esposito. Translating a work like this generates a multitude of problems and gives rise to philosophically risky options. The international workshop “Translating Kant” faces those problems and those options. Key speakers are Pedro Ribas (Autonomous University of Madrid), Mario Caimi (University of Buenos Aires) and Costantino Esposito (University of Bari) as well as Rogelio Rovira (Complutense University), editor of García Morente’s translation. Salvi Turró (University of Barcelona) will introduce the Catalan translation. There will be lectures, debates and round tables. All this, around the Critique of Pure Reason in the year in which we celebrate the tercentenary of Immanuel Kant’s birth.


Hybrid modality

Face-to-face event and broadcast via Zoom
Link to the broadcast via Zoom. Meeting-ID: 976 1969 5031. Password: 615027



April 24, Wednesday
1st floor, lecture hall

3:30 p.m.: Reception of participants.
4:00 p.m.: Presentation of the workshop, by Pedro Jesús Teruel (University of València).
4:15 p.m.: Opening lecture on the history of the great philosophical editions in Valencian/Catalan, by Salvi Turró (University of Barcelona).
5:00 p.m.: Reading of selected passages of the Critique in Catalan, by Sandra Navalón, Juan Pablo García, Mercedes Valle, Paca Brull, Pere Gallego and Pedro Jesús Teruel (University of Valencia).
6:00 p.m: Break.
6:30 p.m.: Presentation of the first translation of the Critique of Pure Reason into Catalan (translator: Miquel Montserrat), by Salvi Turró (University of Barcelona). Chair: Pere Gallego. 
6:15 p.m.: Discussion.
8:00 p.m.: End of the workshop day.

April 25, Thursday
Morning: Low level, seminar F11

9:15 a.m.: Reception of participants.
9:30 a.m.: Manuel García Morente’s translation of the Critique into Spanish: history of the edition [lecture and discussion], by Rogelio Rovira (Complutense University of Madrid). Chair: Carlota Gómez. 
10:30 a.m.: Pedro Ribas’ translation into Spanish: history and problems [lecture and discussion], by Pedro Ribas (Autonomous University of Madrid). Chair: Mercedes Valle. 
11:00 a.m.: Break.
11:30 a.m.: Costantino Esposito’s translation into Italian: history and problems [lecture and discussion], by Costantino Esposito (University of Bari). Chair: Juan Pablo García. 
1:30 p.m.: Mario Caimi’s translation into Spanish: history and problems [lecture and discussion], by Mario Caimi (University of Buenos Aires). Chair: Sandra Navalón. 

1:30 p.m.: Working lunch.

Afternoon: 1st floor, meeting room

3:30 p.m.: Some terms of the Critique particularly problematic for translation [round table with Salvi Turró, Rogelio Rovira, Pedro Ribas, Costantino Esposito and Mario Caimi]. Led by Sandra Navalón and Juan Pablo García, Mercedes Valle and Jesús Valdés and Pere Gallego. 
5:30 p.m.: Break.
6:00 p.m.: Some themes of the Critique particularly problematic for translation [round table with Rogelio Rovira, Pedro Ribas, Costantino Esposito and Mario Caimi]. Led by Sandra Navalón and Mercedes Valle, Jesús Valdés, Pere Gallego, Juan Pablo García and Pedro Jesús Teruel].
8:00 p.m.: End of the workshop, by Sandra Navalón and Pedro Jesús Teruel. 


Coordinator: Sandra Navalón, research group “Kant-València”
Organising committee: Mercedes Valle, Paca Brull, Pere Gallego, Juan Pablo García, Jesús Valdés, María Pitarch, Carlota Gómez and Alejandro Lis del Cerro
More info:
This activity has been co-financed by the Culture Commission of the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences of the University of Valencia.


© Research group “Kant-València”.
    Last update: 23.04.2024.